Tuesday, February 12, 2013

MormonTemple Rituals

In order to attain salvation/exaltation, mormons must go to the Temple and do ordinances. What are these ordinances? I am finally going to expose them in this blog. These ordinances include: endowments, proxy work (baptism for the dead), and eternal marriage.

-Baptism for the dead- often done using children. They will baptize the child for someone who is dead so that they might convert & save the dead person, so that the dead person has an opportunity to accept the mormon gospel & blessings. this is done in the basement of the temple. Children do not participate in the endowments or temple marriages...this is the only temple ordinance that they participate in.

-Eternal Marriage- Mormons are sealed to each other in marriage for time & all eternity.

-Endowments- This is when mormons are 'endowed' with knowledge to attain salvation/exaltation. Mormons receive a 'new name', such as Noah or Mary. They do rituals while dressed in their all white clothing (over their sacred underwear), green aprons (they put the apron on during the creation video), men wear a hat that resembles a bakers hat, and wemon wear a veil (wemon must veil heir faces during prayer). They purchase this clothing from a special lds mormon shop. Endowments include things like: Watching a video about the creation, taking an oath to the 'law of concecration' & they learn  passwords & tokens (handshakes done through a curtain/veil) that they need to know to attain salvation/exaltation.

*Law of Concecration requires that the faithful mormon dedicate their time, talent & everything to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and for the establishment of Zion <--(referrs to the belief that civil government will be replaced by a religious government administered by mormons.)

Here are a few videos (actual footage from hidden camera) of the rituals done in the temples. You can find more hidden camera videos on youtube...look up newnamenoah.

This is the long video
Why Expose This? -
1. I want to get the truth out there.
2. So that people are aware of what goes on within mormonism.
3. I want people who are mormon, and possible converts (who are unaware of this stuff) to see what they are getting themselves into.
4. So that mormons who are involved in doing these rituals might open their eyes and come to know the true God, put their faith in Jesus alone, stop trusting in the mormon religion to take part in their salvation/exaltation & realize that it's not about religion, it's about a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I am aware that exposing this will upset mormons, but, I stand by my belief that this NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED!

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