Saturday, January 5, 2013

A little about myself

 Both my parents are lds mormon, married in the lds temple, and I was raised mormon. In my early years our family was not very active in the lds church, we went once in a while. Sometime in early elementary school we became non active, just stopped going. For a few years in high school I attended a seminary class at the lds church ,with a friend of mine, before school. She is a sweet person and I am still in contact with her today. Her parents would pick me up in the morning and drop us off (the church was across from our high school).
 So, although I considered myself a mormon, I really didnt know that much about mormonism. Throughout high school I started to hear some things about mormonism that I actually did not believe until I asked my mom & most were confirmed. These things bothered me but I was not ready to say I was certian mormonism was not true because I still did not know much about it. As a result I no longer considered myself to be mormon. I did however believe in God & I considered myself to be christian, I believed that Jesus was our savior, and I still considered mormonism to be christian.
 It was not until after I was married and had 3 kids, that God really opened my eyes and showed me truth. He used my marriage, the bible, and many other things & people to show me what it really meant to be saved by grace through faith in Jesus. I was reborn, I started to see everything differently and the bible started to make sense to me, I could actually understand it.
 I did still have the whole mormon thing lingering in my head. I had believed that mormonism was christian before, but I really didn't know much about it. I decided to look into it & learn more about it. As I did, it became obvious to me that mormonism is a false religion and Joseph Smith was a false prophet.

1 comment:

  1. You are an awesome lady. I'm glad to be able to call you a friend for over 15 years. Love you!
