Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Born Again vs. Feelings

* A key difference between the testimony of a mormon & one of a christian is:
--A mormon testimony is a result of trusting in their own heart
--A christian testimony is a result of trusting in the Lord

Mormons base a testimony on feelings. It's based on a "burning in the bosom" or that they "feel in their heart" that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true, and Joseph Smith is a true Prophet. They know this because they read the Book of Mormon, prayed about it, and felt in their heart that it was true.

Born Again
Christians base their testimony on a conversion of the mind & heart. They are born again, they see everything in a new way. Its based on what God has shown them after they placed their trust in him. While warm feelings are involved it is not based off of those feelings, but, on that their mind and heart have been converted, their eyes opened, and they see the truth that God has shown them. They see that they are sinful and broken and that they need Jesus. They are a new creature in Christ Jesus. They no longer live for worldly things or for themselves but now live for Jesus. Their old self has passed away and all things are new! Believers in Christ are reborn spiritually as sons and daughters of God. They experience a complete Christian conversion of mind and heart.

In this video I am going over some verses about the heart and about being born again.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I've always been taught is that you can't use your feelings to decide your faith...I love reading your blog, lady!
