Monday, January 14, 2013

The Church & The Temple

Mormon veiw: The church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is the one true church and this church has the fullness of the gospel because the founder of the church who is viewed as a prophet of God (prophet in the same sense as Moses & Abraham) restored the gospel. He (Joseph) says that God and Jesus came to him in a vision & told him that there was no true chuch out there and that he (Joseph) was to restore the church. Then came the book of mormon (another testament of Jesus Christ). Joseph Smith is viewed as a prophet, seer, revelator, and the first president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormons also refer to their place of worship as a church. There is a dress code at the chuch. Men must wear dress shirt & slacks while women must wear a dress or skirt. They have sacrament meeting (church service) they take sacrament (communion), and they attend classes.

Christian view: The church is the body of Christ, the body of Christ is made up of the believers. We, the believers, are the church. Christians also refer to a place of worship & fellowship as a church. Christians go to church for fellowship, to encourage & build each other up, to minister to one another and to serve.
"A church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints." ~ Abigail Van Buren

Mormon view: It may be helpful to understand that in mormonism, they see God the father, Jesus Christ & the holy spirit as seperate beings (one in purpose). God the father and Jesus Christ have physical bodies and can not dwell in us but the Holy Ghost is a spirit and can dwell in us, this is not God dwelling in us, but, God speaks to us through the Holy Ghost. They believe that while the holy ghost dwells in us, the temple building is the house of the whole Godhead . & although God & Jesus have physical bodies they are capable of being in more than one place at a time & we can not see them unless they reveal themselves to us. The holy ghost is aslo able to be anywhere.

Mormons build temples specifically for God. The temple is where mormons, who have a temple recommend, go to do their ordinances: endowments (sacred ceremonies/rituals), baptisms for the dead, and are sealed in marriage for eternity.

Christian view: In the old testament times the holy spirit did not dwell in people because the people could not be perfectly cleansed, there had to be animal sacrifices done for the temporary covering of sin. God dwelt in the tabernacle (which means dwelling place) and animal sacrifice took place here too, until the temple was built, then God dwelt in the temple and animal sacrifice took place there. After Jesus died, he was our ultimate sacrifice, once for all time. So we no longer need to do animal sacrifice. Jesus also left us with the gift of the indwelling of the holy spirit. Now our body is a temple, God dwells in us through the holy spirit.
*I meant to say Hebrews 10 :16-20.
In this video I am going over Hebrews 10:16-20. Mat.27:51, and John 2:19. check it out! I am explaining how when Jesus died we can now go to the holiest through the veil (Jesus). There is a new and living way!

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