Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, in the same sense as Moses and the other old testament prophets. After Joseph Smith died, Brigham Young was the new prophet, then John Taylor...and so on. Today, Thomas S. Monson is the lds present day prophet who they believe is a prophet of God in the same sense as Moses & the other old testament prophets. They believe that their prophet is to guide them in these latter days. The lds have had 16 presidents/prophets.

Here is a picture of the prophets, starting with Joseph Smith all the way to Thomas S. Monson. at the bottom of the photo it reads: "We thank the oh God for our prophet to guide us in these latter days."

Christian view: While there is the gift of prophesy from the holy spirit spoken of in the new testament (Eph.4:11), we no longer have prophets like the ones in the old testament. The old testament prophets all pointed to ---> JESUS! When Jesus died he gave us the gift of the holy spirit. Now we have the holy spirit to guid us through ALL things. A modern day prophet is someone with the gift of prophesy from the holy ghost, for the building up of the body of Christ. We are not meant to follow them. It is very clear that we are to follow JESUS (not man) and that we have the holy spirit to guide us in these latter days. In fact we are to test all things with the bible to see if they match up with God's word. We are to be like the Bereans (in Acts 17:11) who searched the scripture to see if what Paul & Silas were teaching was true. We are to prove all things (1 Thess.5:21).
Going over some verses about prophets and the Holy Ghost in this video

This is an LDS children's song called "Follow the Prophet". It is highly disturbing in that the mormon church teaches this song to young children in primary. It teaches them to "Follow the Prophet".
Goes like this:
Follow the prophet, follow the prophet,
Follow the prophet; don't go astray.
Follow the prophet, follow the prophet,
Follow the prophet, he knows the way.

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